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My name is Mindy and, although I'm only 18 months old, I've already had a pretty tough life. I was rescued from a puppy mill in Brooklyn that specialized in providing Staffies for people who weren't exactly going to enter them at Westminster! Although young, I was already part of the production line when Mighty Mutts rescued me. My experience made me kinda shy, but I bond quickly and I'm very gentle. Mighty Mutts had the patience and care to find just the right home for me! |
Good Grief! Somebody left a great little fellow like me all on thier own on the mean streets of Brooklyn! I don't know why; as you can see I'm absolutely charming! I'm an 18 month old bundle of fun who just loves people and playing and, most importantly, making you happy. Mighty Mutts saw my undeniable charm right away and so did my new mom (that's me on the left)! |
My name’s Cocoa because I’m warm and sweet! That’s despite the fact that Mighty Mutts found me wandering around Manhattan with a really bad chemical burn on my back. I was only about 6 month’s old at the time and was really friendly, but someone chased me away with an acid bath that burned me through the skin and left me with permanent scars. My wounds were already becoming infected when I was rescued and, although otherwise healthy, things would have gone from bad to worse very quickly if I wasn’t picked up. Mighty Mutts kept me in the vet for over three weeks until I got better, and then cared for me for another three months until just the right special person came along! |
Jack was the last of six puppies rescued from a breeder who had lost interest in his business. He was the smallest and shyest of the group and was blind in one eye. The breeder said he was born that way and, in the interest of getting the animals out, we took his word for it and left before he could change his mind. Of the six, Jack was the one who needed the most personal attention, so a Mightly Mutts volunteer stepped up and fostered him. Jack soon came out of his shell due to the attention of our volunteer and his own dogs, Mickey and Casper. As you can see, there's no substitute for one-on-one attention. Jack soon came out of his shell and went to a happy new home! |
Hi there, my name's Mooshoe. I wasn't named after a traditional Chinese delicacy (at least traditional in Brooklyn!), I was named after the animal friendly store owned by some nice people who have supported Mighty Mutts for years. I was found in a puppy mill along with my sister Mindy and we weren't exactly being bred to be companion animals! Luckily, we were rescued and grew up together in peace. I'm about 18 months old now and real happy with my new dad! |
My name's Cupid and I was living very happily with my friend Tigger until our family got evicted and then we needed help! Our former family couldn't keep us, so Mighty Mutts stepped in. Although my friend Tigger is still looking for a home, it didn't take long at all for one of my arrows to find it's mark with my new mommy! |
Hi there, my name's Pudge. I was found by Mighty Mutts with my friend Carmella after we were dumped together in a vacant lot in Brooklyn. I'm the 10 month old pup on the left. I’m very sweet and quiet and I love people and other dogs and Mighty Mutts took the time to find a great home for me that had plenty of both! |
I don't know why they make dogs get the license, the people should have to get a license before they can take us home! Take me, for example. A family got me as a puppy because they wanted a dog. A few months later, they had to move so they were going to kill me! What a buch of sickos! Luckily, Mighty Mutts stepped in and kept me safe and sound until I got a real home, with plenty of love and care! |
Hi, I'm Lollie on the right and that's my pal Jaffa on the left. Besides being big and beautiful, we both have something else in common, Mighty Mutts is the only organization which would have given us a chance! I was found wandering around the streets in Coney Island and Jaffa (whose name means "Pretty Girl" in Hebrew) was found tied up outside a sanitation garage in the same neighborhood (YUCK!). We both had issues: I was painfully shy and did not trust strangers; Yaffa could take care of herself and initially was not ashamed to show it! Nobdy else would have given us a chance, but Mighty Mutts never gave up. Beyond our initial behavioral peculiarities, we were both victims of the "big-plain-brown-dog" syndrome; we didn't really stand out in a crowd. Eventually a nice lady came by and was able to see how special we were and now she's our mommy! |
Unlike many of my friends, I actually had a great life until tragedy struck. I was brought home as a puppy by a lovely elderly couple and lived with them for five years until my dad passed away and my mom could no longer care for herself or me. They taught me to be sweet and gentle, but that almost didn't help. The relatives came in and sent me to a very bad place where my days were numbered! Fortunately, Mighty Mutts saved me and I'm back where I belong, with a loving family! |
I’m Maz and I’ve seen a lot in my short 14 months! I was bought as a puppy by a couple who had a baby soon after they got me. Even though I’m sweet and obedient, I was immediately banished to the garage. Needless to say, I was miserable and lonely, until a Mighty Mutts volunteer stepped in! Now I have a new home and, as you can see, I’m VERY happy! |
Hello, my name is Soldier and I've been to hell and back. I was picked up from the city shelter, where my days were numbered, and my life only got worse from there! If you can believe it, I was soon part of a shake-down. I had some food aggression issues, so my new people sent me to a "trainer". It turns out he was a con artist and kept teling the people that they would never see me again if they didn't pay more money. Mighty Mutts stepped in and got me out of there. They worked on my issues and now I'm in heaven! |
My name is BJ and I was found over 4 years ago wandering by the side of the road. Since I’m deaf, that’s definitely not a good place to be! My deafness also is the reason why it took so long for me to find a home. Luckily for me, Mighty Mutts had the patience to wait for just the right person, my new mommy! |
Hi, I’m Gidget and I had my own adventure in the city. I was found wandering around the theater district one night, looking for fame. Instead, I found Mighty Mutts and, through them, a wonderful home with my new dad! |
Ansel (right) was another one of our “Coney Island Babies”. He was rescued, along with several others, from the alley of a housing project which is on our feeding route. He was very lucky in that his “colony” was free from infectious diseases such as fiv and felv, which are endemic on the streets and highly contagious. He was even luckier in that he soon found a home, complete with a new best friend named Muklis. As you can see, they’re now inseperable! |
Howdy, my name’s Shana and I’ve been getting some lucky breaks lately. First of all, my former care-givers tied me up outside of an animal control facility to be euthanized. They apparently considered me to be a problem. The officers saw that the only problem I had was that I was a playful puppy of 8 months old, so they called Mighty Mutts! That was my first big break. My second one care just two months later when my daddy took me home! |
You're not seeing double, in one of the oddest coincidences in Mighty Mutts history, Tucker’s owners found Sam, another border collie, wandering through their neighborhood within a week of adopting Tucker! Seems that nobody was watching the sheep in Central Park’s Sheep Meadow! Anyway, Mighty Mutts was called in and in almost no time, Sam found his new daddy! |
I came to Mighty Mutts due to downsizing. I was formerely employed as a guard dog in a scrap yard, but the owner of the property found out that I was an insurance liability, so I was fired. I came to Mighty Mutts for help, especially since I was not particularly well suited for my former employment (lousy pay, long hours, no benefits, plus, I LIKE people!). Believe it or not, I'm in the Army now! My daddy is a specialist based in Fort Hamilton abd my mommy is a civilian employee of the US Army! That makes me (right) and my sister Maddie Army brats! |
Buenos dias, me nombre es Tito (left side)! When I came to Mighty Mutts, I was very shy, and with good reason! When I was rescued, I was cut-up, emaciated, and I had lost an eye! I do not remember how I came to be like this, all I know is that I certainly didn't start it! I'm very sweet and passive and, with the help of Mighty Mutts, I came out of my shell and now my life with my new mom is pretty as a postcard! |
![]() Mighty Mutts found me in the Spring of 1999. At that time, I was only 8 months old, but they already knew that they had a real Jewel on their hands! I was always friendly and playful, but people have their prejudices and, being a Staffie mix, no one wanted to take a chance on me. Luckily, Mighty Mutts never gives up! I kept pluggin’ away, week after week, and then my time came! My new mommy and daddy had already adopted two Mighty Mutts, Eve and Clyde! Eve passed away after a very happy life and Clyde was really lonely, so home I went! All I can say is that it was well worth the wait! |
![]() I was rescued from a Brooklyn junk yard in 1999, when I was about 2 years old. Back then, I was skinny and shy but, as you can see from my picture, I got over both of those problems! I took a lot of hard work to get me where I am today. I was originally so dog-aggressive that I couldn’t come out to Union Square. But patience is one thing that Mighty Mutts has in abundance. They worked with me and gave me lots of tender lovin’ care. Even though it took 2 years, they never gave up on me, which is what makes the payoff even sweeter! |
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Hi, I'm Jo-Jo and this is my new mon, don't we make a hansom couple? What's even more important than looks is the fact that we'll always be there for each other, which is more than I can say for my former owner. I was preciously tasked with "guarding" a drunken drug addict who actually forgot which bar he left me tied up outside of! To add insult to injury, he actually had the nerve to ask for me back from Mighty Mutts 3 months later, when he finally sobered up! Thanks to Mighty Mutts, all that has changed, so please stop by and visit any time, the Mistress and Master of the house will always welcome you! |
I'm Bruno, but my name was almost mud! Somehow or other, I would up on the center median of the Grand Central Parkway over by Laguardia Airport. Luckily, I didn't have a plane to catch, because I'd have four lanes of traffic to cross no matter which direction I chose! A very brave motorist actually stopped his car in the middle of all of this and rescued me. I met my new dad and, when he saw how gentle I was, I was on the highway straight to his heart! |
Hi, I'm Remi and just like the cognac, I'm VSOP (Very Special Ol' Pooch) I'm not really old though, I'm only 6 months of age! I was thrown out on the street in Brooklyn after my owners decided that I didn't live up to expectations. Luckily, I wasn't on the street for more than a few days when a neighbor flagged down John. I was real affectionate and playful, so I found a home in no time at all! My mom fell in love, took me home and uncorked the pleasure! |
My name is Gadget, I'm a real smart dog and I can prove it! It was raining one saturday in November,'97, and not only was I smart enough to get out of the rain but I also new where to go! I waited at Union Square for John to show up and he took me right into the dry, warm Mighty Muttmobile! I needed lots of love and reassurancebefore I could move on, but, fortunately, Mighty Mutts would give me all of the time I needed. I was finally adopted in October of 2001 and boy was it worth the wait! |
Hello, my name's Kia. In case you didn't notice, I'm not a small imported car, I'm a small domestic dog! I was found when I was one year old, tied to a two foot lead in an abandoned yard with neither food nor water. After getting out of that, I'm extra loyal to anyone who'll show me the good life. My new daddy stopped by the showroom one day, took me for a test drive, and now I'm really being papmered! |
"What's it all about, Alfie?" If you asked me that four years ago, in 1998, I wouldn't have known the answer! At that time I was starving, beaten, burned and mangy. Fortunately, Mighty Mutts found me and nursed me back to health. I stayed a very long time looking for an answer to that question, but now, in my new home, I know. It's all about love and warmth and care! |
I was found in the parking lot of a nursing home, being fed sporadically by the workers. The attention was welcome, but I was WAY to young for retirement! Fortunately, with the help of one of the patients, Mighty Mutts found me and set me up with a nice new young mommy who's much more my speed! |
I was abandoned after my owners moved in early 2001, and I really though that was the end of my odyssey! I was already about ten years old and wasn't up to life on the street. Fortunately Mighty Mutts came along and named me Candy because I was so sweet, but my mommy, who adopted me in December of 2001, changed my name to Christmas because I was the best present she ever had! |
![]() Bon Giorno, my name is Bella. Belive it or not, I was going to be put down by the New york Municipal shelter because I had been there to long (~1 week)! Fortunately, a caring person at this shelter contacted Mighty Mutts and I was saved. Now I'm linin' the Bona Vita with my new mommy!
"Who knows what goodness lies in the heart
of Mighty Mutts? The Shadow knows!" Boy,
do I ever know, you see Mighty Mytts originally rescued me in 1992 and
placed me and my buddy Spike with a guy who really loved us. Unfortuntately,
in 2000, our dad fell on hard times and couldn't care for us, so Mighty
Mutts took us back, which is their policy "any time, any reason".
Now I have a new, loving mommy to spend my golden years with!
John found me after
I had been abducted by a
I’m Chloe and I was found tied up outside a store in Manhattan. The people who found me brought me down to Union Square, where Mighty Mutts let me join them and said they’d help me get a home. Boy, did they ever help! After only two weekends, a volunteer fell in love with me and now I’m her little girl! |
My name’s Whitney, and I was found in December of 1999, half starving, trying to claw my way to stardom. You see, even though I’d never been to Houston and was certainly no diva, I knew that I had looks and personality! Well, Mighty Mutts took over my bookings and I soon hit the big time with my new mommy! |
I don't own a cafe, and I don't box, but my name's still Smokey Joe. Mighty Mutts found me abandoned in mid-town Manhattan, not far from the theater where Smokey Joe's Cafe was playing. It was Kismet as soon as I met my dad, because, as you all know, where there's Smoke, there's fire! |
I was one of the smartest dogs Mighty Mutts ever found! John discovered that I had been shadowing him for weeks, eatin' food off of the cat route, before I allowed myself to get caught. Then I came to Union Square, and it was only a matter og weeks before I stole my new mom's heart! |
![]() I look like an Oreo and I'm just as sweet, so my new dad named me Cookie! I was dumped at Union Square one Saturday in September, just as Mighty Mutts was getting ready to pack it in. Fortunatley, they didn't pack it in on me, like my former owner did! Mighty Mutts believed in me and with good reason, 'cuz within a mont my distincitve good looks and personality netted me a real gem of a home! |
My name's Sparky and John
rescued me from a dog fighting ring back in'97. Good thing for me
that I was rescued, because I'm a lover and not a fighter!It took a while,
but I finally met a person who recognized my finer qualities and I got
a home in october of 2000
Hello, I’m Wally and I was the biggest thing that ever happened to Mighty Mutts, literally! I was found with Nate in the amusement park in Coney Island, abandoned by the carnies after the season ended. But I was such a playful pup at heart that my new mommy soon fell in love with me. Now we’re on a seven day a week joy-ride through life together! |
Bonjour, I am Jacqueline and I’ve made it to the big time! Mighty Mutts found me wandering through Coney Island and immediately saw that I had “star quality” written all over me. My mommy saw it also and so did the directors of “Men in Black” who cast us as passersby. Now you know the secret of the films success! |
![]() My name is Sweet-pea, cuz’ I’m just a little baby! Mighty Mutts found me over five years ago, and there I sat on the shelf, you see, I was an unadoptable. I wasn’t mean, or scared, or even old, I was just a “plain brown dog”! You see, people just passed me by, looking for sleeker models. I tried talking to them, but they just thought I was barking! Fortunately, Mighty Mutts stuck with me, and here I am today with my new mommy! (Obviously a woman of discriminating tastes!) |
![]() Hiya! I'm Lenny! I don't really know what happened to me. Ifigure me an’ Squiggy must'a been horsin' around, but all I remember is waking up with the cops! ( I bet we've all had nights like that!) Fortunately, the court remanded me into the custody of Mighty Mutts, where I've mended my ways and am livin with my new daddy!. |
When my mom first saw me, she knew it was Magic! That's my name and that’s also my game! I was found starving by Mighty Mutts over 4 years ago, weighing a little more than 20 lbs. I got my name because, even though I had my own troubles, I could magically brighten everyone’s day! Now I only perform my special trick for my mom and dad. (P.S. I had the name first! That dog on TV don't even pay me royalties!) |
Hi, my name is Seal, (you gotta check out the profile to see the resemblance). I was found roaming through the garbage in Coney Island, but now I'm eatin' top round! You see, I got myself the best mommy possible! Cheryl was a volunteer who sat with me every week at Mighty Mutts. After a while, she couldn’t stand the wait to see me again, so she took me home! |
Howdy! I'm Roscoe! I was
named Roscoe because it rhymes with Boscoe and I'm just as sweet
Mom met me in the park down in old NY and she asked me my name and at the top o’ my voice I barked Lola, L-O-L-A Lola, la-la-la-la- Lola. She walked up to John and asked to take me home, he said it was fine and now I’m livin’ in clover. Well they adopted Roscoe just four months before, saw he needed a friend and went out the door, then Lola barked and wagged her tail and said take me home, it sure can’t fail. Now we’re all fine and happy today and oh, by the way by name used to be Valentina.
I got my name because, when Mighty Mutts found me, I was hoppin' around just like a "screwy wabbit". Ya' see, Doc, I only had three legs, but I have more than enough heart to make up for that! When I met my mommy, I knew it was fate so I hopped right into her heart! |
My name was Bo when Mighty Mutts had me, now it's Jackson! You see, I'm a multi-talented mutt, I can wag my tail and kiss at the same time! I was rescued fromthe streets of Bushwick, Brooklyn, in 1997 and now, thanks to Mighty Mutts, I'm livin' the high life in Gramercy Park! |
![]() Hello, I’m the KING, Elvis! You might think that I’m nothin’ but a hound dog, but my new daddy’o knew the real deal! I just turned on all of the charm and charisma, and within a month of being found, Elvis had left the kennel! (Of. Course, I would never chew on dad’s blue suede shoes!) Oh, by the way, I’d like to say one thing to Mighty Mutts; “Thank ya’, thank ya’ very much!” |
My previous owners moved to a nice new place but, unfortunately, they forgot me! I was left in the yard alone for months after they moved but Mighty Mutts rescued me just in the nick of time! I’m a senior citizen of about 12 summers and these old bones couldn’t take much more of the winter! Fortunately for me, I'm still quite spry and playful for my age (I'm actually quite playful for any age!) I didn't have to wait long for true love, I was adopted only 2 months after I was found! |
I'd like to thank you, al of my loyal fans, for helping me to where I am today, the top! I was found wondering through Besonhurst, Brooklyn, in 1995, probably abandoned because I was too big. I stayed at Mighty Mutts for four years (thank God they're a no-kill organization!) Over that time I developed quite a fan club but only one person realized that my heart was bigger than my heft and took me home. Thank you Mighty Mutts and thank you Nina! |
Vroom, Vroom! My name is Hot Rod and I'm a real gas! I was picked up be Mighty Mutts over six years ago, already a vintage model of three years old. I was adopted by a youg man who had just been through a messy break up. Well time heals all wounds and the said gentleman soon fell in love again and got married. Fairy-tale right? Well, when baby made three, the little misses said it was either me or her. Well, ther's no accounting for taste! Fortunately for me, Mighty Mutts stands by it's product! Every adoption agreement has a clause which states that Mighty Mutts will take ant animal back, anytime, for any reason. Back I came after five years but I didn't stay long (by this time, I'm not just and hot rod, I'm a classic!). Here I am with my new (permanent) dad! |
When I was a Mighty Mutts, I was known as Houdini because I was so eager to get a home that I would go off and try to find one on my own every chance I got! Well, my roaming days are over. I finally got a new home and a new name. Here I am with my new mommy (Obviously, I'm not going to run away from her!)! |
Hi! My name is Meatball!!! Why Meatball? Because that was the first that I ate after I was rescued by Mutts My name also fits my personality I'm very happy-go- lucky, playful affectionate. John found me over three years ago when I was being used as “bait” to train fighting dogs. I had a chain around my neck that was heavier than I was to make sure that I stayed put! Fortunately, I’m a lover, not a fighter, so that career was short lived! Now I’m-a the spicy meat-a’ ball in my new mommy’s life! |
Hello, my name is King, but I could have easily been called Wimpy because I was trying to get a free hamburger when John found me outside of Burger King in Coney Island. You see, I'm about ten years old and I figured that I'm to old to be scavenging leftovers so I'd go to where they'd cook my food my way! Well, I was just as finicky when it came to finding a home! I was at Mighty Mutts for over a year before I found just the right match Her I am with my new mom! |
You might well ask what a little boy is doing on top of such a big page. Well, let me tell you. I’M IT! You’re looking at one of the very first, model 1-A, Mighty Mutts! I was adopted in 1994 after John found me starving on the streets. Thanks to Mighty Mutts, I have never been starved for food or affection since! Ain’t THAT aces! |
Eve ![]() My name is Eve and I was found by Mighty Mutts in the spring of 1998, after my owner had beaten me and abandoned me at the vet’s office! Ireally don’t know why they did that, because, I’m sweet and gentle as can be. Well, maybe it’s the best thing that ever happened, because my new family knows the real deal: It’s “All about Eve!” (Now I have a new playmate from Mighty Mutts, Clyde!) |
My name is Goldie and I was left tied up outside of the police station in Coney Island and Mighty Mutts was called in to rescue me. I’m so sweet and cute that Iwas adopted before I even made it onto the website! Now I have a new daddy who doesn’t even mind it if I’m sleeping in his bed! Thanks to Mighty Mutts, my new home is JUST RIGHT! |
Hello, my name is candy and I'm so sweet that I didn't last long! Mighty Mutts cared for me when my former owner could do so no longer but I'm so cute that I only lasted one month at Union Square before my new daddy fell in love with me! Why don't you come by and see if you will fall in love with my friends? |
Cheerio old chaps! My name is Monty and I was dumped on Mighty Mutts at Union Square in Manhattan. Besides not having compassion, my former owners obviously also lacked sense! After all I'm such a great little dog that my mommy fel in love with me the first week I was in Manhattan and I was home with her by the third week! |
Hi, I’m Cubby and Mighty Mutts found me in May of ‘97. I look just like a Teddy Bear and I’m twice as sweet, but somehow I stayed on the shelf for months until I saw my new mommy and daddy. I looked at them and said “Oh please let me be your little Teddy Bear” and it’s been a Teddy Bear’s picnic ever since! |
Howdy, my name is Deke, I was 10 months old when I was found on Dekalb Avenue in Brooklyn, in 11/97, hence my name. I was a really cute little puppy and my daddy fell in love with me. Now a I’m a really cute dog and my dad loves me even more! He even bailed me out when I got arrested in Florida during Christmas (I did something on the beach that I wasn’t supposed to, OOPS)! |
Sure 'n Begoragh I have the Luck of the Irish! I was found abandoned in Washington Square Park dog run in Manhattan on St. Patrick's day, 1997. Mighty Mutts took me in and cared for me and found a foster home for me since there was no room in the kennel. Before you could say Erin Go Bragh, my foster daddy fell in love with me and adopted me!! I now live happily with him and a new older sister, Shandy, who is a retired seeing eye dog! |
Hi, my name is Buster! I used to be owned by a lady who fed me cat food, which explains the shape that I used to be in! Now I'm adopted and getting back into fighting trim through alot of love and TLC from my new mommy! |
I was up for adoption with Mighty Mutts for two months and everyone who saw me screamed “It’s Frankie!!”, especially the dames! But Ol’ Blue Eyes wasn’t goin’ to fall for anyone, after all, I do have a reputation! Everyone kept asking “Why is that handsome devil still here?” To which I replied, “I’ll get a home but it’s up to you, New York, New York.” Then I met my new owners. At first, we were strangers in the night, but after a while, they got me under their skin! So when the summer wind came blowin’ in, I blew straight into their hearts and into their homes. |
My name is Twinkie and, like most of my fellow felines, I was found in Coney Island. Unlike most of our other cats, I only have three toes on my front paws! Oh well, that only adds distinction to my already startlingly good looks. Just like my name, whats inside of me is even better than the already delicious outside! That's what my new mmy found out after she took me home and I tip-toed my way into her heart! |
Hi. My name is Petey and, and I’m just the sweetest “little rascal” that you will ever meet! Mighty Mutts found me roaming tht streets of Coney Island. They knew who I belonged to but it turned out that “my gang” didn’t want me anymore and told John that he could keep me! Well, I suppose that “dem’s breaks what is breaks!” because, as you can see, I’m much better off now than ever before!. Faith |
My name is Lacey and I’m a seasoned veteran in the adoption game. You see, I was originally adopted from the North Shore Animal League as a puppy, but when I grew up I guess I just wasn’t cute enough anymore and my owners decided to dumped me on the streets with a note and my North Shore rabies tag still on my collar! Mighty Mutts stuck with me though and found a loving, permanent home for me |
Hiya! I'm Satch, also known as Horace DeBussy Jones. You see, I was hanging out with the rest of the East Side Kids when I decided that there had to be more to life for a handsome devil like me! So I changed gangs and joined up with Mighty Mutts. Boy oh boy, did the change in scenery really change my luck, cuz' I got myself a real looker for a mom! (If she looks familiar, it's because she's a sucker for Mighty Mutts. She's a volunteer and she adopted a cat in our first issue!) |
Hello, my name is Fanny and I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. I was a junk food junkie when I was growing up, Mighty Mutts found me scrounging garbage behind Nathan’s Famous in Coney Island! Fortunately, I was rescued and. adopted to a lovely new home Unfortunately, some of my new room-mates were allergic to me (go figure!). Luckily for me however, I was a Mighty Mutt and John immediately took me back in. I patiently waited and now here I am with my new mom (dad’s taking the picture)! |
My name is Marcie and here I am with my new mommy and my new best firend (I’m eating)! I was found by Mighty Mutts with my two kittens in September of ‘97. Thanks to the good people at Mighty Mutts, myself and my kitties all have wonderful new homes! |
Hello dear, my name is Honey. John found me roaming around Coney Island while on his nightly feeding route. At the time I was starving and alone and hungry but John saw how sweet I was and he took me in and fed me and cared for me! He found out that I have so much love and energy that I needed two daddies! Here’s a picture of the proud fathers with “daddy’s little girl." |
Hello everybody, here I am! Mighty Mutts found me as just a little 4 month old pup so, needless to say, I was a very big attraction at Union Square. But they were patient until just the right home came along and here it is! That,s me now with my mommies. Ain’t I lucky? Thank you Mighty Mutts! |
HIT IT!!! Whoa-ooh Domino! I’m sassy
like the song, but sweet like the sugar! Mighty Mutts found me at
4 months old, “guarding” a junk yard (go figure!) Now I’m happy with
my new dad! (Don’t he look a little like Van Morrison with the shades
Yo! How-ya-doin’? My name’s Rocky
(on the left) and, just like in the movie, I lived a hard-scrabble life
waitin’ for my chance to be a contendah (one difference, if I had a side
of beef, I think I woulda’ eaten it instead of punchin’ it!) Well,
patience and training paid off, ‘cause here I am, Chapeen o’ da Woild!
My name’s Ginger and I was found starving,
tied up behind a convenience store (it wasn’t very convenient for me!)
I was named Ginger because of my coloring and my movie-star like beauty,
but actaully my personality is more like Maryanne’s. I’m sure all
of the rest of you beautiful gals know how hard it can be getting’ a date,
with everyone scared off by your good looks! Fortunately, my new
mommy and daddy saw that all I needed was love to be happy, and here I
am today!
John rode into Coney Isle, musta been about
half past ten, an’ he saw ole’ Luke, an’ Luke was waitin’ on judgement
day! Fortunately, John helped me get a load off and fixed me up right
well! Now I’m happy with my new family, specially cuz’ my dad’s a
peaceful man, an’ that’s OK cuz’ he feeds me whenever he can! ( I was found
at 30 lbs. And I’m 75 lbs. Now!)
Hi’ya Pilgrim, the name’s Big Jake!
When Mighty Mutts found me I was trying to rustle up a stake, (and a steak
to!) Life on the range didn’t suit me. I was starving at a
mere 75 lbs (I didn’t get the name Big Jake for nothin’ stranger, I’m a
svelte 140 now!) Mighty Mutts took me in and let me ride with their
posse for a while. Now I’m homesteadin’ with my loyal sidekick!
They said, I was just like a flame, and into their lives I came, Ruby, that’s my name! I came to Mighty Mutts after a teacher found me playing in the school yard with some children. She almost said “School’s out forever!” but fortunately John came along just in time. Now I got two new “kids” to play with whenever I want! |
![]() I was found by Mighty Mutts in the summer of 1999, roaming the plains of Brooklyn! I might have been majestic, but I wasn’t at all wild, you see I was just a big puppy who had an even bigger heart! Now every day is a new safari with my new dad thanks to Mighty Mutts! |
Did you know?
We (dogs, cats & volunteers!) meet every Saturday in New York City's, Union Square! Come visit us!!!
(corner of 14th St. & University Pl.)